Critical Public Health: special issue on “Big Food”:
With Simon Williams, I have just co-edited a special issue of Critical Public Health: “Big Food”: Critical perspectives on the global growth of the food and beverage industry.”
Here’s what’s in it.
- ‘Big Food’: taking a critical perspective on a global public health problem, by Simon N. Williams & Marion Nestle.
- The transitional dynamics of caloric ecosystems: changes in the food supply around the world, by Sanjay Basu.
- Big Food without big diets? Food regimes and Kenyan diets, by K. O’Neill.
- Density of outdoor food and beverage advertising around schools in Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) and Manila (The Philippines) and implications for policy, by Bridget Kelly, Lesley King, Batjargal Jamiyan, Nyamragchaa Chimedtseren, Bolorchimeg Bold, Victoria M. Medina, Sarah J. De los Reyes, Nichel V. Marquez, Anna Christine P. Rome, Ariane Margareth O. Cabanes,John Juliard Go, Tsogzolmaa Bayandorj, Marie Clem B. Carlos & Cherian Varghese.
- Snack food advertising in stores around public schools in Guatemala, by Violeta Chacon, Paola Letona, Eduardo Villamor & Joaquin Barnoya.
- Comparison of food industry policies and commitments on marketing to children and product (re)formulation in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji, by Gary Sacks, Melissa Mialon, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Helen Trevena, Wendy Snowdon, Michelle Crino & Boyd Swinburn.
- Encouraging big food to do the right thing for children’s health: a case study on using research to improve marketing of sugary cereals, by Jennifer L. Harris, Megan E. LoDolce & Marlene B. Schwartz.
- Big Soda’s long shadow: news coverage of local proposals to tax sugar-sweetened beverages in Richmond, El Monte and Telluride. Laura Nixon, Pamela Mejia, Andrew Cheyne & Lori Dorfman.
- Big Food’ and ‘gamified’ products: promotion, packaging, and the promise of fun, by Charlene Elliott.
- Food as pharma: marketing nutraceuticals to India’s rural poor, by Alice Street.
Thanks to Simon Williams for initiating (and doing the heavy lifting on) this project, and to all the terrific contributors.