Nutrition research studies funded by food companies are pouring in and here’s another set of five with expected results. The first one is notable for its extensive revelations, a case of TMI (too much information) if I’ve ever seen one. As usual, if you run across more of these—and especially industry-funded studies that do not favor the sponsor’s interest, please send. The roundup since mid-March: 60 with favorable results, 3 without.
Effect of Fructose on Established Lipid Targets: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis of Controlled Feeding Trials. Laura Chiavaroli, Russell J. de Souza, Vanessa Ha, Adrian I. Cozma, Arash Mirrahimi, David D. Wang, Matthew Yu, Amanda J. Carleton, Marco Di Buono, Alexandra L. Jenkins, Lawrence A. Leiter, Thomas M. S. Wolever, Joseph Beyene, Cyril W. C. Kendall, David J. A. Jenkins, and John L. Sievenpiper. J Am Heart Assoc. 2015;4: originally published September 10, 2015, doi:10.1161/JAHA.114.001700.
- Conclusion: Pooled analyses showed that fructose only had an adverse effect on established lipid targets when added to existing diets so as to provide excess calories (+21% to 35% energy). When isocalorically exchanged for other carbohydrates, fructose had no adverse effects on blood lipids.
- Conflicts: The disclosures cover two full pages in the journal. These authors report every source of income—honoraria, prizes, travel funds—including those of their spouses. They apparently work for every food company imaginable, including any number with interests in minimizing a harmful role of fructose in health.
- Comment: I do not know why the editors of this journal decided that the conflict-of-interest statement was worth two pages of journal space. Perhaps they don’t think such statements necessary and were being ironic? Or perhaps they wanted to make sure that these highly conflicted authors were fully exposed? Yoni Freedhoff of Weighty Matters consulted an ethicist about this question but did not get a clear answer. I wrote the journal editor and asked what this was about, but have not received a response.
Beneficial effects of oral chromium picolinate supplementation on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: A randomized clinical study. Ana N. Paiva, Josivan G. de Lima, Anna C.Q. de Medeiros, Heverton A.O. Figueiredo, Raiana L. de Andrade, Marcela A.G. Ururahye, Adriana A. Rezende, José Brandão-Neto, Maria das G. Almeida. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 32 (2015) 66–72.
- Conclusions: CrPic supplementation had a beneficial effect on glycemic control in patients with poorly controlled T2DM, without affecting the lipid profile.
- Conflict: Manipulation Pharmacy Companhia da Fórmula donated the chromium picolinate supplement.
- Comment: Without knowing more about this situation, it’s not possible to say whether donation of a supplement is enough to raise concerns. This study raises questions because most independently funded studies of chromium and diabetes have shown minimal or no benefits (see, for example this one).
Oat consumption reduced intestinal fat deposition and improved health span in Caenorhabditis elegans model. Chenfei Gao, Zhanguo Gao, Frank L. Greenway, Jeffrey H. Burton, William D. Johnson, Michael J. Keenan, Frederick M. Enright, Roy J. Martin, YiFang Chu, Jolene Zheng. Nutrition Research September 2015 Volume 35, Issue 9, Pages 834–843.
- Conclusion: Oat consumption may be a beneficial dietary intervention for reducing fat accumulation, augmenting health span, and improving hyperglycemia-impaired lipid metabolism [in nematodes].
- Conflict: This research was supported by a nonrestricted donation from PepsiCo Inc. Oats used in this study were a gift of PepsiCo Inc. Y. Chu is an employee of PepsiCo, Inc, which manufactures oatmeal products under the brand name Quaker Oats.
A pilot study examining the effects of consuming a high-protein vs normal-protein breakfast on free-living glycemic control in overweight/obese ‘breakfast skipping’ adolescents. L B Bauer, L J Reynolds, S M Douglas, M L Kearney, H A Hoertel, R S Shafer, J P Thyfault and H J Leidy. International Journal of Obesity (2015) 39, 1421–1424; doi:10.1038/ijo.2015.101; published online 7 July 2015
- Conclusion: These data suggest that the daily addition of a HP breakfast, containing 35 g of high-quality protein, has better efficacy at improving free-living glycemic control compared with a NP breakfast in overweight/obese, but otherwise healthy, ‘breakfast skipping’ adolescents.
- Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest, but the study was funded by the Pork Checkoff.
Acute Cocoa Supplementation Increases Postprandial HDL Cholesterol and Insulin in Obese Adults with Type 2 Diabetes after Consumption of a High-Fat Breakfast. Arpita Basu, Nancy M Betts, Misti J Leyva, Dongxu Fu, Christopher E Aston, and Timothy J Lyons. J Nutr September 2, 2015, doi: 10.3945/jn.115.215772
- Conclusions: Acute cocoa supplementation showed no clear overall benefit in T2D patients after a high-fat fast-food–style meal challenge. Although HDL cholesterol and insulin remained higher throughout the 6-h postprandial period, an overall decrease in large artery elasticity was found after cocoa consumption.
- Funding: Among other sources, the lead author receiveda grant from The Hershey Company.
- Comment: This is a negative study (no benefit) with a positive spin (higher HDL, decrease in large artery elasticity).