by Marion Nestle

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Aug 3 2023

Annals of marketing to kids–Sweet drink collectibles!

I thought I had seen everything when it comes to marketing to kids, but I never would have imagined this one.  Sweet drinks aimed at kids with animal-shaped tops: “Collect them all!”

The photo was sent to me by a reader who spotted these in a Safeway in a suburb of Sacramento.  I have not seem them in any of my local New York markets.

The reader also send photos of the Nutrition Facts panel—19 grams of sugars in 6 ounces.

I went to the company website to check the ingredients.

Here’s the list for 100% Fruit Punch Juice

Water, Concentrated Apple, Pear And Grape Juices, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Natural Fruit Punch Flavor.

Note the title carefully—it does not say this is 100% juice.  The “juice” comes from fruit concentrates, essentially fruit-flavored sugar.

Lest you worry about the sugar, the product comes with claims (and my comments):

  • No sugar added (it doesn’t have to be; the concentrates have plenty)
  • Excellent source of vitamin C (because it’s added)
  • Non GMO (the FDA has not approved GMO apples, pears, or grapes)
  • No artificial colors (at least that).
  • No artificial preservatives (ditto).
  • Pasteurized (ditto).
  • No artificial flavors (we can argue about what “natural fruit punch flavor” is likely to be).

The company sponsors a club for kid collectors (“the good-for-you-juice has never been so fun!”).

And it offers plenty of options to collect: “Topped with 200+ of your kids favorite characters.”

The company, good2grow, is owned by Wind Point Partners, a venture capital company.

Our value creation plan focuses on driving velocity and distribution gains, increasing penetration of non-core juice SKUs.

Will the cute cartoon toys take market share away from all the other sweetened drinks aimed at kids?  That’s their point.  We will see whether it works.

Parents: do not take your kids into the kids’ drink sections of supermarkets.

If you must buy your kids a sweet drink, one made with diluted fruit juice is a reasonable choice.

Aug 2 2023

Do people understand what ultra-processed means? Yes, they do.

My email and Twitter (sorry, X) feeds are full of arguments about the NOVA classification of foods, which divides foods into four categories:

  1. Unprocessed and minimally processed foods
  2. Processed culinary ingredients
  3. Processed foods
  4. Ultra-processed foods

By this classification system, you don’t need to worry about the first three categories.  The only one that matters is #4, associated strongly with poor health and demonstrated in one clinical trial to induce over-eating; ultra-processed foods are formulated to make them irresistable so you can’t eat just one.

At issue is the definition, with critics arguing that ultra-processed foods are so confusingly defined that nobody can figure out what they are.

That has not been my experience in talking about ultra-processed foods.  As far as I can tell, people get the concept right away, which is one reason why the food industry opposes the concept so strongly.

A new study confirms my view.  I first read about it in Food Navigator, a newsletter I read daily:

NOVA classification matches consumer instincts, study findsThe NOVA classification system is used to ascertain whether foods are minimally processed, processed or ‘ultra-processed’. A new study has found that people’s perceptions of foods and their processing levels usually align with their NOVA classification…. Read more

I went immediately to the study: Perceived degree of food processing as a cue for perceived healthiness: The NOVA system mirrors consumers’ perceptions,
Alenica Hässig, Christina Hartmann, Luisma Sanchez-Siles, Michael Siegrist, Food Quality and Preference, Volume 110, 2023, 104944,

Its main points:

  • Consumers had negative associations of foods produced by the industry.
  • Perceived degree of processing was a cue for consumers’ evaluation of food healthiness.
  • Laypeople’s perception of food processing was in line with the NOVA classification.

I”d say the NOVA classification is doing exactly what it is supposed to, and misunderstanding it is not an issue.


A reader writes that she is pushing back on this post suggesting (correctly) that I did not read the study carefully.  She points out:

  • Its authors work for a food company that might have a conflicted interest.
  • Some of its methods seem dubious [I don’t agree about all her points].

She concludes: “We should all be careful about rushing in, reading abstracts & author’s conclusions and making comments, without first reading the study in its entirety.”

She’s right.  Apologies.

Aug 1 2023

Letter to FDA on front-of-package labels

I signed a letter organized by the Center for Science in the Public Interest calling on the FDA to do more to research front-of-package labels.

This is in response to the FDA’s announcement of what it plans to test in developing a front-of-package labeling scheme.

We asked the FDA for specific additions to the research proposals, among them this one:

  • Consider testing additional High In scheme designs with attention-grabbing features like these:

We noted that the FDA states three goals for the research:

  1. Participants’ ability to correctly interpret the nutritional profile of the product
  2. The speed at which participants make their decisions
  3. Whether or not participants search for more information to answer the question (i.e., whether they click a link to view the Nutrition Facts label)

We argued that

Of the three outcomes, we believe that participants’ ability to correctly interpret the nutritional profile of the product is the most important [because it is the only one that is independently and objectively desirable. In contrast, the desirability of faster decision-making is dependent on whether the decision is correct, and it is unclear what would be the more desirable outcome with respect to searching for the Nutrition Facts label. Searching for the Nutrition Facts label could be positive (if the labeling scheme spurs consumers to learn more about the product’s nutrition information and ingredients) or negative (if the labeling scheme is not noticeable or confusing and thus participants need to seek more information).

Front-of-package labeling has been in the works for a long time.  It’s great the FDA is getting to it.

Jul 31 2023

Industry-funded study of the week: Matcha

Thanks to Matthew Kadey for sending this one.  Matcha is a new one for me.

The study: Matcha green tea beverage moderates fatigue and supports resistance training-induced adaptation.  Shigeta M, et al.  Nutrition Journal volume 22, Article number: 32 (2023)

Methods: Healthy, untrained men were randomized into placebo and matcha groups. Participants consumed either a matcha beverage containing 1.5 g of matcha green tea powder or a placebo beverage twice a day and engaged in resistance training programs for 8 (trial 1) or 12 weeks (trial 2).

Results: In trial 1, maximum leg strength after training tended to increase more in the matcha group than that in the placebo group. In the matcha group, subjective fatigue after exercise at 1 week of training was lower than that in the placebo group. Gut microbe analysis showed that the abundance of five genera changed after matcha intake. The change in RuminococcusButyricimonas, and Oscillospira compositions positively correlated with the change in maximum strength. In trial 2, the change in skeletal muscle mass in response to training was larger in the matcha group. In addition, the salivary cortisol level was lower in the matcha group than that in the placebo group.

Conclusion: Daily intake of matcha green tea beverages may help in muscle adaptation to training, with modulations in stress and fatigue responses and microbiota composition.

Funding: This work was supported by the Matcha and Health Research Group and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research,

Competing interests: Although the Matcha and Health Research Group was not involved in conducting experiments or data analysis, test samples were supplied from Nestlé Japan Ltd., a constituent organization of the Matcha and Health Research Group.

Comment:  Matcha is powdered green tea, so whatever is in it is more concentrated than in regular teas.  Besides that, is there anything special about matcha?  The study did not compare matcha to other teas, so it’s hard to know.  I’m curious about the funder.  I can’t find anything about it online other than its sponsorship of many studies about matcha, all with positive results.   I’m guessing that someone who profits from matcha sales is behind these studies, but can’t tell for sure.  If you enjoy matcha, by all means drink it.  Teas are healthy beverages  But reserve judgement on the research linking it to health miracles.  The studies I’ve seen pretty much all say: “more research needed.”

Jul 28 2023

UNICEF’s manual on protecting children from food marketing

Increasingly and more urgently concerned about the effects on children of unrestricted marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages, UNICEF and WHO have produced an invaluable manual on why and how governments must act to curb such marketing.

This is a follow up to the UNICEF report I talked about last week on engagement with food and beverage companies and to the WHO recommendations I posted about yesterday.

WHO and UNICEF are on a roll!

The rationale for this publication:

Food and beverage companies play a significant role in shaping children’s food environments, but their objectives are profit driven rather than child centred. They have a vested commercial interest in increasing sales of their unhealthy products and use highly immersive, engaging – and often unethical – marketing techniques to target children and their caregivers.
We know that food marketing harms children. It negatively affects children’s food preferences, purchase decisions and consumption behaviours, ultimately contributing to childhood obesity and diet-related disease. Food marketing also affects household purchasing decisions and the types of foods that are eaten in the home.

Among this report’s key messages:

  • The evidence is clear that food marketing harms children – especially the poorest and most vulnerable.
  • Tackling food marketing is challenging: past experience shows that food companies use loopholes and develop new strategies to bypass restrictions.
  • Voluntary schemes are ineffective in reducing children’s exposure to foodmarketing.
  • Mandatory regulation has the potential to be the most effective path to protecting children from the harmful impact of food

Governments must act.  Now.

This exceptionaly timely and important report explains how.

Jul 27 2023

Industry-funded research #4: why it matters

I posted several examples of industry-funded studies this week in part to reduce my backlog but also because of charges that (1) doing so constitites ad hominem (personal) attacks on authors, (2) I should be focusing on the science, not who paid for it, and (3) I have my own ideological biases.

To the first point:

I do not see industry funding of research as a personal matter.  I see it as a systematic problem.

If I see a study titled “Effect of food product X on disease Y,” I can often guess that

  • The food’s manufacturer or trade association paid for it
  • The study outcome will be favorable to the funder’s commercial interests

This phenomenon is so systematic that it has a name: The Funding Effect.

To the second point

Researchers who study funding effects, and there are many, note that the scientific conduct of the studies is not usually an issue.  Instead, the influence of the funders shows up in the way the research question is framed or the results are interpreted.

The easiest way to explain the research question bias is to cite the requests for research proposals I often receive from food trade associations.  These say: “we have (this much money) for research to demonstrate the benefits of our product on (one or more of these conditions).”

These groups will not fund research proposals unlikely to show benefits.

As for interpretation, industry-funded studies tend to report null results as positive; I posted several such examples this week.

To the third point

Yes, I have ideological or opinion biases and I try to be as clear as I can about them.  All investigators have such biases; otherwise they wouldn’t be doing science.  We all have something we believe in that we would like to prove.  Such biases are not discretionary; everyone has them.  In contrast, industry funding is about selling products, not science and is completely discretionary; investigators can do science without it.

The evidence?

I review the evidence for what I’ve just said here in my book, Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat.

In it, I cite many other books and papers addressing these points.

We all come to the same conclusions:

  • Industry funding biases research.  But funded investigators do not recognize the influence, and deny it.
  • The statement that accompanies many disclosure statements—“The funder had no influence on the design, conduct, interpretation, or publication of the results,”—is often untrue and must be taken with some degree of skepticism.

I see industry funding of food and nutrition research as a serious problem for public perception.  Even when the research is not conflicted, it appears conflicted.  That alone is a systematic problem.

Jul 26 2023

Industry-funded research #3: nuts

Nuts are demonstrably good for health.  They have high proportions of fat and, therefore, calories, and the calories can add up quickly.  But a small handful makes a great healthy snack.

Why their trade associations feel they need to produce favorable research is beyond me, but as far as I can tell, they are all competing with each other for market share.

Here are a few examples of nut studies funded by trade associations to convince you to eat more nuts.

The point: Whenever you see a study showing amazing health benefits from one single food, there’s a good chance its trade association paid for it.


The study: Mixed Tree Nuts, Cognition, and Gut Microbiota: A 4-Week, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Crossover Trial in Healthy Nonelderly Adults.  J. Nutrition.   VOLUME 152, ISSUE 12, P2778-2788, DECEMBER 2022.  DOI:

Conclusions: These findings indicate a positive effect of nut on cognition following only 4 wk of consumption in a healthy nonelderly sample, as well as upregulation of a microbial taxa associated with gut health. The effects appear to be independent of one another, but further exploration is required in those experiencing cognitive decline and/or gut dysbiosis.

Funding: This study was supported by funding from the INC (International Nut and Dried Fruit Council).


The study: Almond intake alters the acute plasma dihydroxy-octadecenoic acid (DiHOME) response to eccentric exercise.  Front. Nutr., 09 January 2023. Volume 9 – 2022 |

Conclusions: In general, the elevated post-exercise plasma levels of 12,13-DiHOME with almond intake support positive metabolic outcomes for adults engaging in unaccustomed eccentric exercise bouts. Other almond-related benefits for exercisers revealed in this study include reduced feelings of fatigue and tension, better leg-back strength during recovery, and decreased muscle damage during the first day of recovery.

Funding: This work was supported by Almond Board of California, Modesto, CA. The funder had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, the preparation of the manuscript, or in the decision to submit the article for publication.


The study: Macadamia nut effects on cardiometabolic risk factors: a randomised trial  J Nutr Sci. 2023.

Conclusion: Daily consumption of macadamia nuts does not lead to gains in weight or body fat under free-living conditions in overweight or obese adults; non-significant cholesterol lowering occurred without altering saturated fat intake of similar magnitude to cholesterol lowering seen with other nuts.

Funding: This study was funded by Hort Innovation, Sydney, Australia (Project code MC17005).  J. J., K. O. and F. M. – None; J. S., S. R. and C. H. have received research funding through their institution from Hort Innovation, Sydney, Australia.  Note: Hort Innovation is a grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation with the goal of creating value for horticulture growers and those across the horticulture supply chain. It invests more than $120 million in R&D, marketing and trade programs on behalf of industry.


The study:  Urinary Phenolic Metabolites Associated with Peanut Consumption May Have a Beneficial Impact on Vascular Health BiomarkersAntioxidants. 2023; 12(3):698.

Conclusion:  the present study shows for the first time that regular peanut and peanut butter consumption could have a positive impact on vascular biomarkers in healthy young adults.

Funding: This research was supported by funding from the Peanut Institute

Jul 25 2023

Industry-funded study #2: artificial sweeteners

Thanks to Arjan van Groningen for this one.

The study:  The Effect of Non-Nutritive Sweetened Beverages on Postprandial Glycemic and Endocrine Responses: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. Zhang, R.; Noronha, J.C.; Khan, T.A.; McGlynn, N.; Back, S.; Grant, S.M.; Kendall, C.W.C.; Sievenpiper, J.L. Nutrients 2023, 15, 1050.

Conclusions: The available evidence suggests that NNS beverages sweetened with single or blends of NNS have no acute metabolic and endocrine effects, similar to water. These findings provide support for NNS beverages as an alternative replacement strategy for SSBs in the acute postprandial setting.

Funding: This work was supported by an unrestricted grant from the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS). The grant was awarded through a competitive request for the proposal process. The sponsor was not involved in the development of the study protocol and design, execution, analyses, interpretation of the data, or decision to publish. The protocol and results were presented to the Low- And No-Calorie Sweeteners Scientific Committee of IAFNS on several occasions with an opportunity for scientific dialogue.

Comment:  IAFNS is the new name for ILSI North America, a classic industry front group.  To its credit, the authors disclose the involvement of IAFNS in this review.  Check out the Conflict-of-Interest declarations from this group; they are legendary.

Conflicts of Interest: J.C.N. has worked as a clinical research coordinator at INQUIS Clinical Research. He has also received research support from Glycemia Consulting Inc. T.A.K. has received research support from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the International Life Science Institute (ILSI), and the National Honey Board. He has taken honorariums for lectures from the International Food Information Council (IFIC) and the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS; formerly ILSI North America). He is funded by the National Honey Board. N.M., was a former employee of Loblaw Companies Limited, and is a current employee of Enhanced Medical Nutrition. She has completed consulting work for contract research organizations, restaurants, start-ups, the International Food Information Council, and the American Beverage Association, all of which occurred outside of the submitted work. S.M.G. has received honoraria from Dietitians of Canada and Diabetes Canada for the development and delivery of educational resources on the glycemic index in the past five years. C.W.C.K has received grants or research support from the Advanced Food Materials Network, Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC), the Almond Board of California, Barilla, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canola Council of Canada, the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, the International Tree Nut Council Research and Education Foundation, Loblaw Brands Ltd., the Peanut Institute, Pulse Canada, and Unilever. He has received in-kind research support from the Almond Board of California, Barilla, the CaliforniaWalnut Commission, Kellogg Canada, Loblaw Companies, Nutrartis, Quaker (PepsiCo), the Peanut Institute, Primo, Unico, Unilever, and WhiteWave Foods/Danone. He has received travel support and/or honoraria from Barilla, the CaliforniaWalnut Commission, the Canola Council of Canada, General Mills, the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council, the International Pasta Organization, Lantmannen, Loblaw Brands Ltd., the Nutrition Foundation of Italy, Oldways Preservation Trust, Paramount Farms, the Peanut Institute, Pulse Canada, Sun-Maid, Tate & Lyle, Unilever, and White Wave Foods/Danone. He has served on the scientific advisory board for the International Tree Nut Council, the International Pasta Organization, the McCormick Science Institute, and Oldways Preservation Trust. He is a founding member of the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC), the Chair of the Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), is on the Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee for Nutrition Therapy of the EASD, and is a Director of Glycemia Consulting and the  Toronto 3D Knowledge Synthesis and Clinical Trials foundation. J.L.S. has received research support from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Research Fund, the Province of Ontario
Ministry of Research and Innovation and Science, the Canadian Institutes of health Research (CIHR),  Diabetes Canada, the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) Foundation, the National Honey Board (U.S. Department of Agriculture [USDA] honey “Checkoff” program), the Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences (IAFNS; formerly ILSI North America), Pulse Canada, the Quaker Oats Center of Excellence, the United Soybean Board (USDA soy “Checkoff” program), the Tate and Lyle Nutritional Research Fund at the University of Toronto, the Glycemic Control and Cardiovascular Disease in Type 2 Diabetes Fund at the University of Toronto (a fund established by the Alberta Pulse Growers), the Plant Protein Fund at the University of Toronto (a fund which has received contributions from IFF), and the Nutrition Trialists Network Fund at the University of Toronto (a fund established by an inaugural donation from the Calorie Control Council). He has received food donations to support randomized controlled trials from the Almond Board of California, the California Walnut Commission, the Peanut Institute, Barilla, Unilever/Upfield, Unico/Primo, Loblaw Companies, Quaker, Kellogg Canada, WhiteWave Foods/Danone, Nutrartis, and Dairy Farmers of Canada. He has received travel support, speaker fees and/or honoraria from ASN, Danone, Dairy Farmers of Canada, FoodMinds LLC, Nestlé, Abbott, General Mills, Nutrition Communications, the International Food Information Council (IFIC), the Calorie Control Council, the International Sweeteners Association, and the International Glutamate Technical Committee. He has or has had ad hoc consulting arrangements with Perkins Coie LLP, Tate & Lyle, Phynova, and Inquis Clinical Research. He is a former member of the European Fruit Juice Association Scientific Expert Panel and a former member of the Soy Nutrition Institute (SNI) Scientific Advisory Committee. He is on the Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committees of Diabetes Canada, the European Association for the study of Diabetes (EASD), the Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS), and Obesity Canada/Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons. He serves or has served as an unpaid member of the Board of Trustees and an unpaid scientific advisor for the Carbohydrates Committee of IAFNS. He is a member of the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQC), an Executive Board Member of the Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) of the EASD, and a Director of the Toronto 3D Knowledge Synthesis and Clinical Trials foundation. His spouse is an employee of AB InBev. R.Z. and S.B. have no conflicts of interest to declare.