by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Apr 12 2011

Carlisle PA: Dickinson College

“Keystone” public lecture, Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues on “Thought for Food.”  7:00 pm

Apr 7 2011

Princeton: Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart

My talk is on “The Politics of Childhood Nutrition: How the Food Environment Undermines Healthy Food Choices.”  It is sponsored by Commonground, a group representing parents of children attending several independent schools in the Princeton area.  7:30 p.m.  Open to public.

Apr 4 2011

Baltimore: University of Maryland

I am giving a lecutre on “food politics, nutrition, and sustainable food production” at 4:30 pm, at the Campus Center as the final lecture in a year-long series on “The Hungry Mind.”  Open to public.

Mar 30 2011

San Francisco: Public Health Heroes Award Ceremony

I am the 2011 recipient of the National Public Health Hero Award given by the UC Berkeley School of Public Health, and will make brief remarks.  Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 6:00 reception.

Feb 18 2011

New York: International Association of Culinary Professionals

IACP regional conference.  Panel discussion on “what’s happening in the food world.”

Jan 28 2011

Amsterdam: Katan Symposium

This is a talk at a symposium in honor of the retirement of Martijn Katan on “Evidence-based nutrition: When is evidence proof?”  My talk is on “The politics of evidence-based nutrition.”  This will be at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, beginning at 11:30 am.

Nov 18 2010

Second Live: Interview with Virtually Speaking

My seriously glamorous virtual avatar is being interviewed by Jay Ackroyd tonight at 9:00 p.m. EST on Second Life.    We are talking about food politics and food safety, among other topics, and you can tune in and listen on blog talk radio.

Dec 8 2010

New York: New School

Engaging the University in Urban Agriculture

Panel: Pam Koch, Marion Nestle, Fabio Parasecoli, William Solecki, Mark Gregory Robson, Jaime Stein.

Moderator: Josh Viertel

6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The New School, Sheila C. Johnson Design Center

2 West 13th Street (corner 5th Avenue), NYC