by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Dec 1 2011

Milan: Third International Forum on Food and Nutrition

Third International Forum on Food and Nutrition.  Bocconi University Conference Hall, Via Sarfatti 25, Milan.  Workshop panel, 2:30-4:15.  For information, see  The conference is live-streamed.

Nov 2 2011

New York: Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, Green Summit

A food-focused summit will explore how sustainability impacts what and how we eat, from the growing and harvesting of ingredients to the processing, packaging, distribution, retailing, cooking, and consumption of food.

Citibank Auditorium, 399 Park Avenue, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Summit speakers include Marion Nestle, Carolyn Steel, Joel Salatin, Marcus Samuelsson, Magnus Nilsson, Tim Zagat, and Swedish Minister for Rural Affairs Eskil Erlandsson.

Tickets to the Summit are available at $295.  For information see and


Oct 16 2011

Philadelphia: UNA-USA World Food Day

This World Food Day’s talk on Sunday is titled “The overt and covert costs of food: economic, social, ethical, and health dimensions.”  It’s from 2:30 to 6:00 pm at Hopkinson House, 32nd floor, 604 south Washington Square, Philadelphia.  Other speakers are on genetic engineering and the promise of SPIN farming.

Oct 5 2011

Madison, NJ: Drew University

This will be a noon lecture, open to public.  Details to follow.

Sep 21 2011

University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

My lecture is at 7:00 p.m.  It is part of a series on Food Production, Consumption, and Security.  Open to public on the Lethbridge campus.

Sep 13 2011

Berkeley: Edible Education

This is a lecture in a Letters and Science/Journalism 101 course on The Rise and Future of the Food Movement.  6:00 p.m. Wheeler Auditorium, UC Berkeley.  Open to public but reservations needed.

Jun 9 2011

NYU: Fales Library Critical Topics Series

This is a panel discussion “From There to Here: Harvesting the Roots of Today’s Farming and Artisan Cookery through Oral History,” with me and:

Ben Flanner, Urban Farmer

Laena McCarthy, Owner, Anarchy in a Jar

Judy Weinraub, Journalist, Oral Historian

Will Wootton, President of Sterling College

Moderated by  Food & Restaurant Consultant Clark Wolf

Free and open to public.  Bobst Library, Washington Square South, 3rd floor,  4:00 to 6:00 pm



May 17 2011

Barcelona: Centre Catala de la Nutricio

I’m doing an “Encounter with the expert: Current conflicts in public health nutrition: the role of the food industry.”  3:00-5:00 p.m., Parc Cientific de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Torre 1, 3rd floor, sala 4.  Open to public.  Sponsor:  The Centre Catala de la Nutricio.