by Marion Nestle

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Jun 9 2011

NYU: Fales Library Critical Topics Series

This is a panel discussion “From There to Here: Harvesting the Roots of Today’s Farming and Artisan Cookery through Oral History,” with me and:

Ben Flanner, Urban Farmer

Laena McCarthy, Owner, Anarchy in a Jar

Judy Weinraub, Journalist, Oral Historian

Will Wootton, President of Sterling College

Moderated by  Food & Restaurant Consultant Clark Wolf

Free and open to public.  Bobst Library, Washington Square South, 3rd floor,  4:00 to 6:00 pm



May 17 2011

Barcelona: Centre Catala de la Nutricio

I’m doing an “Encounter with the expert: Current conflicts in public health nutrition: the role of the food industry.”  3:00-5:00 p.m., Parc Cientific de Barcelona, Baldiri Reixac 4-8, Torre 1, 3rd floor, sala 4.  Open to public.  Sponsor:  The Centre Catala de la Nutricio.

Apr 22 2011

New York: James Beard Foundation

Earth Day panel on “Earth to Table / Table to Earth.” It’s at the Chelsea Market, 75 9th Ave, 2:30-4:00, at the James Beard pop-up restaurant.  Michel Nischan and Karen Karp are also on the panel, chaired by Mitchell Davis.

May 4 2011

Washington, DC: Future of Food conference

I’m on a panel on health and nutrition at the Washington Post’s conference on the Future of Food at Georgetown University, Gaston Hall, 37th and O Street NW, 9:00 to 4:30.   Free to public.

Apr 14 2011

New York: Panel on mass-produced meat

Eating Liberally and Kitchen Table Talks are hosting a panel discussion at Fales Library, NYU, 70 Washington Square South, Third Floor. 6:30pm-8:30pm.  Participants:

Feb 10 2011

Ithaca: Cornell

Mal Nesheim and I are discussing our book, Feed Your Pet Right, at Cornell’s Mann Library at 4:00.  Open to the public.

Mar 4 2011

Ithaca: Cornell Workshop on science communications

I’m on a panel at 4:00.  Details to come.

May 9 2011

San Francisco: Nutrition and Health conference: State of the Science

I’m giving the second plenary talk at 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency, Embarcadero.  The conference runs May 9-11 and is sold out.  Registered participants only.