by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Apr 12 2012

New York: NYU Bookstore

I will be speaking about Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics at the new NYU Bookstore at 726 Broadway @Waverly, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Apr 27 2012

Rio: World Public Health Nutrition Association

Keynote plenary on public health nutrition for the 21st century, Rio de Janeiro State University, 2:30-4:00 p.m.  I will also be doing a panel that afternoon and another talk on the 29th.  Information is here.Information on World Nutrition Rio 2012 is here.

Apr 4 2012

New Haven: Yale Political Union and Public Health Coalition

Lecture on issues related to the farm bill, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. followed by book signing.  WLH 201 (Sudler Hall), 100 Wall Street, New Haven

Mar 29 2012

NYU: Women in Science lecture

NYU College of Arts and Sciences undergraduate Women in Science scholars and NYU Women in Science are the sponsors of this annual lecture.  6-8 p.m. Jurow Hall/Silverstein Lounge in the Silver building, on Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics.

May 31 2012

NYU: Fales Library panel

The topic: “How would Julia Child vote on the 2012 farm bill?  4:00 p.m.,  Fales Special Collections at Bobst Library.  Open to public. Details are here.

Apr 10 2012

NYU: Fales Library book talk and signing

A talk on Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics, Fales Special Collections at Bobst Library, 3rd floor, 4:00 p.m.  Open to public.

Feb 20 2012

Ithaca, NY: Field of Nutrition Seminar, Cornell

This is the inaugural student-organized Joyce Lindower Wolitzer ’76 and Steven Wolitzer Nutrition Seminar, 4:30-5:30 p.m., room G71 MVR Hall, followed by a reception.  This will be the first talk on the new book, Why Calories Count: From Science to Politics.  For further information, see poster.  For the talk itself, go to .


Mar 2 2012

Philadelphia: Student Conference on Global Challenges “Food”

The conference runs from 8:30 – 5:30.  My keynote is at 3:30.  Here’s the conference flier.