NYU: Paduano Symposium in Business Ethics
This is at NYU’s Stern School of Business, 40 West 4th Street, NYC 10012, Tisch Hall Room UC 19,1:20 pm-2:40 pm: “Food Politics: Does the Food Industry Have a Role in Preventing Obesity?”
This is at NYU’s Stern School of Business, 40 West 4th Street, NYC 10012, Tisch Hall Room UC 19,1:20 pm-2:40 pm: “Food Politics: Does the Food Industry Have a Role in Preventing Obesity?”
My Distinguished Speaker lecture is “Kids, diets, and health: the politics of school food.” It’s at 3:30 p.m. in Beaver Run, CoppertopII.
The lecture is online on the CASE website.
SNAP to Health is releasing its report at a Congressional briefing at the Russell Senate Office Building, room 385, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. For details about the agenda and how to RSVP, click here. I will be giving a short talk on “The Food Politics of SNAP.”
Mal Nesheim and I are discussing Why Calories Count at City University’s Food Thinkers series at 4:00 p.m..
B104, City University, Northampton Square, EC1V 0HB
The series is for current and past students and members of the Centre for Food Policy but welcomes other guests. Please let Tim Lang know: t.lang@city.ac.uk
I’m giving the annual Distinguished Lecture on “The Politics of Food: The View from 2012,” 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm, at SOAS, Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG.
The lecture is open and free, but registration is necessary. RSVP: admin@lidc.bloomsbury.ac.uk.
The lecture is part of the workshop ‘The Role of Agricultural and Food Systems Research in
Combating Chronic Disease for Development’ organised by the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health (LCIRAH) and London International Development Centre (LIDC). It can be attended as part of the workshop or separately. It will be followed by a drinks reception.
I’m keynoting the joint 2012 Annual Meetings & Conference of the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS), the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS), and the Society for Anthropology of Food and Nutrition (SAFN). For information about the conference, click here. For the meeting schedule and locations, click here. The conference is jointly sponsored by the New School and NYU. My talk is from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the New School’s Tishman Auditorium.
Mal Nesheim and I are doing a talk on Why Calories Count at Omnivore Books, 3885 Cesar Chavez Street @ Church between 26th and 27th Streets, Noe Valley. It goes from 3:00 to 4:00 and is free and open to public.
This is a talk on Why Calories Count at San Francisco’s Ferry Building. Book Passage is at #1. The talk is free and open to the public at noon.