by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Apr 13 2013

New York: Lycee Francais de New York

I’m doing a panel at a conference on Living with Two Languages: The Advantages of Being Bilingual (which I, alas, am not).  My panel is at 2:30.  For information about the conference, click here.

May 18 2013

San Francisco: Omnivore Books

I’m doing a bookstore reading at 3:00 p.m. on the tenth anniversary edition of Food Politics, out May 1.  Omnivore Books, 3885 Cesar Chavez St (between 26th and 27th, @ Church)

Mar 21 2013

Pocantino Hills, NY: Stone Barns Summit for Sustainable Food Service

I’m on a panel at 4:00 to discuss a case study on Revolution Foods.  Information about the Summit is here.

Jun 20 2013

Long Beach, CA: Childhood Obesity Conference

This will be the closing keynote to the 7th Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference, sponsored by the California Department of Public Health, UC Berkeley, the Atkins Center for Weight and Health, the California Department of Education, Kaiser Permanente, and the California Endowment.

It’s at about 11:30 a.m. in the Long Beach Convention Center.

May 16 2013

Monterey, CA: Monterey Bay Aquarium

I am participating in a Q and A during the Aquarium’s annual Sustainable Foods Institute.

Apr 9 2013

Columbus, OH: Capital University

I’m giving a 7:00 p.m. lecture on how science and politics affect the food system, followed by Q and A and a book signing.  It’s at Mess Hall, Capital U, 1 College and Main.  Open to public.

Mar 19 2013

Grand Rapids, MI: Michigan Nutrition Network

My keynote address is titled “What to Eat: Sensible Food Choices in an Era of Dietary Confusion.”  It’s at 9:15 a.m. at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel.  At 10:45, I’m conducting a workshop on the same title, “Best Practices.”

Mar 16 2013

Santa Barbara, CA: Edible Communities

This is the keynote to the annual meeting of Edible Communities Publications, the group that brings us Edible Brooklyn, Edible Finger Lakes, and more than 50 other Edible Magazines.  My talk is at 9:00 a.m.