by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Mar 18 2014

Charlotte: University of North Carolina

I’m giving the TIAA-CREF Distinguished Lecture at 7:00 p.m. at the Center City Campus, 320 East 9th Street.  Its title is “Food Politics: From Personal Responsibility to Policy Advocacy.”  It’s followed by a book signing and reception and is open to the public.

Mar 15 2014

Newark: Newark Museum

This is the rescheduling of the lecture I was supposed to give on October 10.  The taxi driver went through red light at entrance to the Pulaski, was pulled over and found to be driving without a license.  We never made it.  The lecture is on food politics.  It starts at 2:00 p.m..  Free and open to the public.   The Newark Museum is at 49 Washington Street.   This time, I’ll take the PATH.

Feb 13 2014

POSTPONED: NYU: Alumni Speaker on the Square

I’ll be talking about–and showing pictures from—my book, Eat, Drink, Vote: An Illustrated Guide to Food Politics.  Kimmel Center (Washington Square South), Eisner & Lubin auditorium, 6:30 p.m.  Open to the public.

Because of snow, this is cancelled for tonight and postponed until March 25.

Dec 5 2013

Washington, DC: CQ Roll Call and Hooks Books

I’m going to do a talk (with slides) and sign copies of Eat Drink Vote, 6 to 8 p.m.  The event is sponsored by CQ Roll Call and Hooks Books.  It’s at Roll Call headquarters- 77 K Street NE, 8th floor.  Public event.  Register here.

Dec 4 2013

Washington, DC: University Club Author Night and Book Fair

This is the 24th Annual University Club “Meet the Author Night and Book Fair” with lots of authors.  University Club of DC- 1135 16th Street, NW, 5 to 8 p.m., open to public.  I’ll be there for hours, so come by and say hello.


Dec 3 2013

Washington, DC: Politics and Prose at the MLK Library

I’m doing a reading and book signing of Eat, Drink, Vote for Politics and Prose (Washington, DC’s terrific bookstore).  But it’s not at the bookstore.  It’s at the MLK Library – 901 G St NW,  7 – 9 p.m., open to public and free.  



Nov 7 2013

Ithaca NY: Buffalo Street Books

A reading and book signing of Eat, Drink, Vote, 6:00 p.m.  215 North Cayuga Street.  Free. (phone 607 273 8246 for information.

Oct 23 2013

New York: Society of Illustrators

I’m doing a conversation about Eat, Drink, Vote with cartoonists Jeff Danziger and Signe Wilkinson from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.  For information and tickets, click here.

Society of Illustrators

128 East 63rd Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues)

Tel: (212) 838-2560