by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Feb 10 2015

Berkeley, CA: Graduate School of Journalism

I’m giving a lecture on “food politics in the age of health care reform” at 7:00 p.m., Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall on the UC  Berkeley campus, followed by Q and A.  This is part of a lecture series sponsored by the Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy for the joint master’s program in public health and journalism.  Free and open to the public.

Apr 24 2015

Irvine, CA: National Consortium for Building Health Communities

This Summit is at UC Irvine on April 23 and 24.   My keynote talk is “What to Eat: Sensible Food Choices in an Era of Dietary Confusion” at 10:00 a.m.  for information, click here.

Apr 19 2015

New York: Cornelia Street Cafe

This is part of the Fork it Over talk series at 6:00 p.m. at the Cafe, 29 Cornelia between 4th and Bleecker

Apr 16 2015

Chapel Hill, NC: Gillings School of Public Health

This is the keynote 47th Annual Fred T. Foard Jr. Memorial Lecture at the Friday Center for Continuing Education (100 Friday Center Drive, Chapel Hill).  It’s at 6:00 pm followed by a Reception and Book Signing.  Free and open to the public. Register to attend here.

Apr 1 2015

New York: Columbia School of Public Health

Grand Rounds on the Future of Public Health, Mailman School of Public Health: “Food Politics 2015: From Personal Responsibility to Policy Advocacy,”  This is the opening talk in a month-long series of lectures on obesity prevention.  4:00-5:30 Alumni Auditorium, 650 West 168th Street.  Free and open to the public.


Mar 13 2015

Santa Rosa, CA: McDougall’s Health and Medical Center

This is an evening lecture/keynote on food politics at the McDougall’s Advanced Study Weekend,  Flamingo Resort, 2777 4th Street, 7:00 p.m.

Feb 2 2015

Berkeley, CA: Edible Education 101

This is part of a Monday night, 6:30-8:30, series of lectures on food and farming.  Mine is titled “Linking Farm Policy to Health Policy in the Global Economy.”  Garrison Sposito is speaking during the first hour.  I will speak during the second hour.  This is at the Sibley Auditorium (in the Bechtel engineering building) on the Berkeley Campus (free, but tickets required).

Feb 19 2015

Hastings, NE: Hastings College

My presentation in the Hastings College Artists Lecture Series National is “Food Politics 2015: Beyond the Farm Bill.”  It is at 7:30 p.m. in French Memorial Chapel and will be followed by a reception and book signing.