by Marion Nestle

Currently browsing posts about: Appearances

Oct 30 2018

New York: Unsavory Truth: publication celebration at NYU

This is the publication day for Unsavory Truth: How Food Companies Skew the Science of What We Eat.  I will be speaking at 5:00 at NYU’s Fales Library, 3rd Floor (Washington Square South at La Guardia Place).  My brief talk will be followed by a Q and A and a reception.  Come celebrate with me!

Dec 6 2018

NYU: Kavli Conversation on Science Communication

This is a conversation with Paul Greenberg on “Food Fights: Covering Disputed Science About Food and Nutrition.”  It’s 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, 7th Floor Commons, 20 Cooper Square.  More information is here.  It will be live webcast online at 6:30 at  Greenberg’s latest book is The Omega Principle. 


Jul 8 2018

Toulouse, France: European Science Journalists Conference

I am speaking at the 5th European Conference of Science Journalists in a session on how journalists should report conflicts of interest in research.  The conference is at Hôtel du Département, 1 Boulevard de la Marquette.  The schedule is here.  I’m in the closing plenary at 5:20 p.m.  “How should we talk about conflict of interest?” Moderator: Martin Enserink, European news editor for Science magazine.

Sep 25 2018

Kalamazoo, MI: Western Michigan University

This is a lecture for the Lee Honors College’s Lyceum Lecture Series on “Food for All: Sustainable Practices, Community Access, and Nutrition.”  The lecture is at 6:30 p.m. followed by a reception.  Chenery Auditorium, 714 South Westnedge Ave.

Nov 18 2018

San Francisco: Grace Cathedral

My daughter Rebecca is Cultural Program Manager at Grace Cathedral where she manages, among other things, the Sunday morning Forum on Faith, Ethics, and Culture.  I’m doing a talk on Unsavory Truth at 9:30 a.m.  Details here.

Nov 15 2018

San Francisco: UCSF Food Documents Collection

I’m keynoting a conference to launch the UCSF Library’s new Food Documents Collection, which houses documents I used in my research, among others.  It’s a morning conference, 8:30-12:00, at UCSF’s Laurel Heights Auditorium, 3333 California St. Suite 265.  Details about the other panelists and the conference are here.

Nov 1 2018

Washington DC: Politics and Prose

This is a talk and book-signing for Unsavory Truth: How the Food Industry Skews the Science of What We Eat (Basic Books, October 30).  7:00 p.m. at Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave NW.  Information is here.

Jun 20 2018

Washington DC: Washington Post Live

This will be a conversation with former FDA Commissioner David Kessler and other speakers about how diet-related chronic diseases are driving up heath care costs.  Washington Post Live, program called Health 202 Live, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., 1301 K St. NW.  Information about the event and the other speakers is here.  To register, click here.