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Join the home farming movement: Partner with Triscuits!
I like Triscuits (Nabisco/Kraft) and am especially fond of the “Hint of Salt” variety. These only have three ingredients: whole grain soft white winter wheat, soybean oil, salt. And the sodium is indeed relatively low – about 5 mg per cracker.
But I am always suspicious of corporate partnerships and alliances with advocacy groups. So I am deeply disappointed not to find “Hint of Salt” Triscuits included in the Triscuit’s new “Home Farming” partnership:
JOIN THE MOVEMENT: From rural areas to urban communities, home farms are sprouting up all over the country. And it’s only just begun. Triscuit has created this site with help from Urban Farming, a non-profit organization, to help build a home farming community where both beginners and more seasoned gardeners can dialogue and gather information towards their common mission: to reap food that is deliciously fresh, penny-wise, healthier for themselves and the planet. It’s about home farming, and the everyday joy that grows out of it. So join us and let’s get farming!
OK. So you can’t make this stuff up.
Apparently, only the saltier Original Triscuits qualify (whole wheat, soybean and/or palm oil, and three times as much salt) for home farming. These “Original” boxes come embedded with basil seeds to get you started. How come there aren’t any basil seeds in “Hint of Salt?”
MarketingDaily explains how this partnership with Urban Farming is promoting the creation of community farms, not to mention salty snacks.
Thanks to Michele Simon who posted on this. Thanks also to Ellen Fried who wonders: “But how do home farmers grow Triscuits?”