I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Retailers should promote health eating: Here’s how.
I was sent a press release announcing a set of research papers on retail strategies to improve healthy eating. Most people buy food at supermarkets, but supermarkets are not public health agencies. They are businesses with one purpose: to make money for owners and stockholders. As I discussed in my book, What to Eat, they are designed to keepyou in the store as long as possible so you will have plenty of time to impulse-buy. These papers in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health discuss ways retail food stores could help diets get healthier.
They come with a new report outlining a research agenda for retailers. All of this was funded by Healthy Eating Research, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in partnership with the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and The Food Trust.
The full issue of the journal is here.
Special issue: Retail Strategies to Support Healthy Eating
- Developing A National Research Agenda to Support Healthy Food Retail
By Amelie A. Hecht, Megan M. Lott, Kirsten Arm, Mary T. Story, Emily Snyder, Margo G. Wootan and Alyssa J. Moran - Urban vs. Rural Socioeconomic Differences in the Nutritional Quality of Household Packaged Food Purchases by Store Type
By Allison Lacko,Shu Wen Ng and Barry Popkin - A Model Depicting the Retail Food Environment and Customer Interactions: Components, Outcomes, and Future Directions
By Megan R. Winkler, Shannon N. Zenk, Barbara Baquero, Elizabeth Anderson Steeves, Sheila E. Fleischhacker, Joel Gittelsohn, Lucia A Leone and Elizabeth F. Racine - Healthy Food Retail during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Future Directions
By Lucia A. Leone, Sheila Fleischhacker, Betsy Anderson-Steeves, Kaitlyn Harper, Megan Winkler, Elizabeth Racine, Barbara Baquero and Joel Gittelsohn - Understanding the Intersection of Race/Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status, and Geographic Location: A Scoping Review of U.S. Consumer Food Purchasing
By Chelsea R. Singleton, Megan Winkler, Bailey Houghtaling, Oluwafikayo S. Adeyemi, Alexandra M. Roehll, JJ Pionke and Elizabeth Anderson Steeves - Improving Consumption and Purchases of Healthier Foods in Retail Environments: A Systematic Review
By Allison Karpyn, Kathleen McCallops, Henry Wolgast and Karen Glanz - Associations between Governmental Policies to Improve the Nutritional Quality of Supermarket Purchases and Individual, Retailer, and Community Health Outcomes: An Integrative Review
By Alyssa J. Moran, Yuxuan Gu, Sasha Clynes, Attia Goheer, Christina A. Roberto and Anne Palmer - Influence of Food and Beverage Companies on Retailer Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior
By Amelie A. Hecht, Crystal L. Perez, Michele Polascek, Anne N. Thorndike, Rebecca L. Franckle and Alyssa J. Moran - (Publication Pending) Supermarkets in Cyberspace: A Conceptual Framework to Capture the Influence of Online Food Retail Environments on Consumer Behavior