I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Weekend shopping: “Golden Sugar”
I’m indebted to Mimi Griffith for telling me about an article in Food Dive about a new product Domino must think you can’t live without: Golden Sugar.
It’s “Less Processed” !
And, “bakes and dissolves like white sugar.” Of course it does. It’s sugar.
OK, so it hasn’t gone through the last stage of refinement to white sugar and has a slight taste of molasses. But it’s still sugar.
Less processed or not, Golden Sugar is sugar; it is not a health food.
Domino is taking advantage of current advice to avoid “ultra-processed” junk foods. The company must believe that you will think this is healthier than white sugar. Not a chance.
I”m curious to know: Is Golden Sugar any different from the Turbinado sugar Domino currently sells? Does Domino think you will relate this to Golden Rice, the poster child for GMO’s? What was Domino’s marketing team thinking?
White, tan, or brown, sugar is sugar—50% glucose, 50% fructose, 4 calories per gram.
Most of us would be better off eating less of it, unprocessed or processed.