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FDA delays Nutrition Facts revisions 1.5 years
On May 4, the FDA gave food companies a gift when it announced a 1.5-year extension of compliance dates for the Nutrition Facts label.
We are taking this action because, after careful consideration, we have determined that additional time would help ensure that all manufacturers covered by the final rules have guidance from FDA to address, for example, certain technical questions we received after publication of the final rules, and that they have sufficient time to complete and print updated Nutrition Facts labels for their products before they are expected to be in compliance with the final rules.
On its website, the FDA now says:
The FDA extended the compliance dates for the Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts label final rule and the Serving Size final rule, from July 26, 2018 to January 1, 2020, for manufacturers with $10 million or more in annual food sales. Manufacturers with less than $10 million in annual food sales would receive an extra year to comply – until January 1, 2021.
CSPI, understandably, is miffed:
The reality is that the labels are already on more than 29,000 products on grocery shelves, and more appear weekly. So today’s announcement should be a call to action for companies to provide consumers the information they want now, rather than waiting for the legal deadline.