I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Weekend reading: Supersizing Urban America
Chin Jou. Supersizing Urban America: How Inner Cities Got Fast Food with Government Help. University of Chicago Press, 2017.
I first read this book in manuscript form and have been its biggest fan ever since. It’s terrific that it is now out and can—and should—be read by everyone.
I was delighted to do a back-cover blurb for it:
This page-turner of a book tells a virtually unknown story. Federal policies to assist small businesses deliberately introduced fast-food outlets into low-income minority areas to the benefit of franchise owners but promoting widespread obesity in these communities. For anyone interested in the role of government policy in food, health, and race relations, Supersizing Urban America is a must-read.
I met Chin Jou last year when I was at the University of Sydney, where she now teaches. They are so lucky to have her there. This is first-rate work–a model of how to make historical research totally relevant to today’s food issues.