I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
by Marion Nestle
Trump’s Agriculture Policy?
I never believe any promises made by candidates during election campaigns because once in office they do whatever they please.
But yesterday’s Politico Morning Agriculture obtained a leaked copy of pre-election Talking Points prepared for Trump’s Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Rural Issues, which hints at the team’s thinking (you have to read between the lines).
My favorites:
- 7. The Trump-Pence Secretary of Agriculture will defend American Agriculture against its critics, particularly those who have never grown or produced anything beyond a backyard tomato plant.
- 9. …The next EPA Administrator should be an individual that fully understands ad embraces the complexity of agriculture and rural issues.
- 10. …agriculture will NOT be regulated based upon the latest trend on social media.
Speculation is fun (or maybe not in this instance). We have no choice but to wait and see. Stay tuned.