I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
The FDA’s new strategic plan: open for public comment
I am late getting to the FDA’s July announcement of the release of its work plan for the next ten years, Foods and Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Program’s Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2016-2025.
The FDA organized the plan under goals for:
- Food safety
- Nutrition
- Animal health
- Organizational excellence
The FDA based the plan on basic principles:
- Public health is the first priority
- Partnerships are the key to success
- Scientific expertise and research are the foundation
- The program is committed to operating openly and transparently
Comments can be submitted on the strategic plan at any time. Instructions for how to do so are here.
One possibility is to ask for further details. The plan does not say how the FDA will accomplish the objectives, how much it will cost to achieve them, or whether it has adequate funding for everything it does (hint: it doesn’t).
Some of what it wants to do is puzzling. For example, one Nutrition objective is this:
2.1: Provide and support accurate and useful nutrition information and education so consumers can choose healthier diets consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and other evidence-based recommendations.
I assume this refers to Nutrition Facts labels and menu labels, but one of its sub-objectives is:
Strategy 2.1d: Promote collaboration with stakeholders, including industry, consumer, and public health groups, to enhance consumer nutrition education directed towards age and demographic groups with specific needs.
I wish the report said more about this. Surely the FDA is not suggesting that the food industry take responsibility for nutrition education? I hope not.
The documents:
- Federal Register Notice
- FDA Home Page for the Plan
- The Strategic Plan for 2016-2015
- Blog: Charting a Path Forward on Food Safety, Nutrition and Animal Health