I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
City Voices: Hard Truths about Eating Healthy
I am a member of the New York Academy of Medicine and am happy to say that its Institute for Urban Health has just published a terrific new report in its City Voices: New Yorkers on Health series.
This one, published in June, is called “Food and Nutrition: Hard Truths about Eating Healthy.”
It is utterly remarkable and, in my experience, highly unusual. The authors actually asked low-income community residents in Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens what they think about their diets, risks for chronic disease, and challenges to eating healthfully.
If you care whether people of low income have financial and physical access to decent food, this report is essential reading.
Food advocates: If you are looking for something useful to do, read this report. It makes the needs clear and also suggests where interventions might best be targeted.
I’m always complaining that public health advocates need to ask people in communities what they think. These authors did that, and look how useful it is!