I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
by Marion Nestle
Check out who funded this study of kids’ lunches in Brazil
Brazilian researchers have published a study clearly aimed at countering Brazil’s dietary guidelines, which the authors say, include advice to “avoid fast food.”
The study, which looked at the nutritional quality of children’s lunches, comes to three conclusions:
- The nutrition quality of lunch in fast food restaurants is similar to a typical Brazilian meal [Really? Who paid for this?].
- The restaurant meals could fit into a balanced diet from time to time [Of course. Anything can].
- Every meal observed here could be improved with regard to sodium and fiber to promote children’s health in adulthood [Ditto].
Did you guess?
The authors acknowledge Equilibrium Consultancy which led this study. Funding by McDonald’s Corporation for the project was primarily to Equilibrium.
This is yet another industry-funded study with results favorable to the sponsor’s interests. These especially require scrutiny of hypotheses, methods, and interpretation and repetition by independently funded investigators.