I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Bakery & Snacks Special Edition: Healthy Snacking
I subscribe to BakeryAndSnacks.com for its information about what’s happening in those industries. It occasionally collects articles on specific topics. This one is on healthy snacking.
ESA [European Snacks Association] chief Sebastian Emig says the snacks industry is willing to embrace change to meet demand for healthier, more natural snacks. From the novel Coldbake vacuum process that adds active functional ingredients to foods, to the predicted rise in snacks with savory flavors or sprouted grains, this special edition explores some of the technology and ingredients that could help manufacturers make those changes.
Sprouted grain snack opportunities: flavor, free-from and Europe: They are still niche – and not cheap to work with – but sprouted grains are set to continue to grow in importance to the snacks industry… Read
Crowdfunding bid to drive development of ‘entirely new’ functional snacks: Carritech Research has launched a crowdfunding campaign to expand commercial development and licensing of its Coldbake process, which enables snacks and biscuits to be produced at lower temperatures than traditional methods… Read
Bars of gold: Veggie inclusions to maintain growth in healthy snack bars?: With sales of healthy snack bars booming in the US, industry experts predict vegetables and savory flavors could become key weapons in maintaining growth… Read
Insects, wholegrains and air-popping to shape future snack innovations, writes ESA chief: European Snacks Association director general Sebastian Emig discusses innovation drivers in Europe’s snacks market… Read
Zeelandia slashes sugar, fat and calories with ‘healthy’ muffin recipe: Bakery ingredients and processes business Zeelandia has developed a blueberry muffin claimed to have around a third less sugar and less than half the fat of a regular muffin… Read