I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
USDA grants encourage veterinarians to work on farm animals
When I wrote my books on pet foods some years ago, Feed Your Pet Right and Pet Food Politics, I was reading a lot about veterinary practice and how it has shifted from large animals to small. The shift is so great that hardly anyone trains to be a farm-animal veterinarian anymore. Almost all students focus on pet dogs and cats.
Among practicing veterinarians,
- 75 % treat pets
- 6% work treat horses
- 8% treat farm animals
The USDA wants to change that, at least a little.
It announced an award program of $4.5 million to pay off the school loans of up to 49 veterinarians who promise to work for three years in rural America where veterinarians are scarce. The maximum award is $75,000, which is expected to cover half the average school-loan debt. Recipients may be required to devote at least 80% of their time to work on food animals.
Sounds like a great opportunity to get terrific experience. I hope lots of recent grads apply.