I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Write to Congress. File comments on the Dietary Guidelines.
Everyone I speak to in Washington, DC says the same thing: if you want policies to change in favor of healthy food systems, you must contact members of Congress and say what you think they should do. If they get comments on issues, they listen. If they don’t, nothing will change.
It’s not hard to send an e-mail or telephone your representatives.
Thanks to Jerry Hagstrom, who writes the invaluable Hagstrom Report, for producing instant guides and contact information to members of the Senate and House agriculture committees.
- Senate Agriculture Committee
- Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee
- House Agriculture Committee
- House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee
As for the contentious 2015 Dietary Guidelines: the comment period has been extended to May 8. The agencies make it easy to file comments. Do it here.
The comments don’t need to be long or complicated. Just indicate identify yourself, state the topic you are concerned about, say what you’d like the guidelines to say, and if possible add a reference or two.
Do this and you will be encouraging the agencies to do the right thing.
If you don’t, who will?
Addition, April 14: Here’s a video explanation of how to file comments on the dietary guidelines.