I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
by Marion Nestle
Happy Labor Day Weekend: Eat!
It’s the end of summer and time to contemplate, if not visit, State Fairs selling increasingly imaginative deep-fried treats. Apparently, deep-fried Oreos and deep-fried butter are so last year.
The Wall Street Journal tells us that the Great New York State Fair—in Syracuse, right now—has a better one: “Twinks.”
And what, pray tell, is a Twink?
The recipe:
- Take one Twinkie.
- Stuff with a Twix candy bar
- Wrap in bacon.
- Dip in batter.
- Deep-fry.
- Sprinkle with sugar.
The damage? Just south of 1,000 calories.
And from Montana, Daniel Schultz sends this photo of the latest grocery store deal. If you buy a soda cake (soda cake?) for $4.99, you get 2 liters of your favorite soft drink to wash it down, free.
Drive carefully.