I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Summer reading and cooking: Calories In, Calories Out
Catherine Jones and Elaine Trujillo. The Calories In, Calories Out Cookbook: 200 Everyday Recipes That Take the Guesswork Out of Counting Calories – Plus, the Exercise It Takes to Burn Them Off. The Experiment, 2014.
Ordinarily, I don’t blurb or review cookbooks, but this one is introduced with a chapter on “Understanding the World of Calories” by my Why Calories Count co-author, Dr. Malden Nesheim.
Why Calories Count recommends understanding calories but most definitely does not recommend counting them. They are too difficult to count accurately unless you weigh everything you are eating, and that’s not much fun for most people.
But if you happen to enjoy counting calories, this book is for you. It does several clever things:
- It arranges the recipes by calories from 0-199 per serving to 300-399 per serving.
- For every recipe, it gives calories, a few other nutrients, and diabetes exchanges.
- For every recipe, it also lists the kinds and duration of physical activity needed to balance the calories.
- It gives ways of fiddling with the recipes to adjust calories.
- It answers FAQs about calories.
- It lists gluten-free options.
On top of all that, the book is beautifully designed and illustrated, exceptionally easy to read, and scientifically sound.
Even better, the recipes are easy to follow and look delicious.
Let me give one example: creamy chocolate pots (Pots de Crème)
- 148 calories in: These have 3 grams of protein, 16 of carbohydrates, 8 of fat, and 2 of fiber; 24 milligrams of sodium, 1 carb choice, 1 whole milk diabetic exchange.
- 148 calories out: Women need to walk 36 minutes or jog 17 minutes. Men need to walk 30 minutes or jog 14 minutes.
Anyone reading this book will learn a lot about nutrition and calorie balance.
Anyone who enjoys calorie numerology, will have a lot of fun with this book.