I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Food packaging materials contain a lot of iffy chemicals
Authors employed by the Food Packaging Forum Foundation, funded by the packaging industry but working “independently of donors’ special interests,” have produced a surprising analysis of chemical in food packaging that comes into contact with food during production, handling or storage.
Why surprising? Because the results are indeed against donors’ special interests.
Such chemicals, the authors say, can contaminate food through migration from the packaging. About 6000 such substances exist, some of which are associated with disease. These are Chemicals of Concern (COCs).
This study identified chemicals used in packaging that are considered to be COCs. It found 175 such chemicals in use. Of these, 54 are “candidates for Substances of Very High Concern.”
From a consumer perspective, it is certainly unexpected and undesirable to find COCs [chemicals of concern] being intentionally used in FCMs [food contact materials], and thus it seems appropriate to replace substances case by case with inherently safer alternatives.
This comes from people in the industry. I hope makers of packing materials—and food safety regulators—pay close attention.