I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
The latest cancer statistics
Every year, CA–A Cancer Journal for Clinicians publishes an annual review of cancer statistics.
The report has some good news: trends in the overall death rates from cancer show significant declines, for both men and women.
The overall incidence (new case) rates are holding steady or a down a little since 1990,but are still above the rates in 1975.
The incidence patterns differ for cancers at different sites:
In men, lung cancers are down undoubtedly due to less cigarette smoking. Prostate and colorectal cancers are down, perhaps due to favorable dietary changes.
In women, lung cancers have leveled off and colorectal cancers are down, but breast cancers don’t seem to budge.
As for the comparison to heart disease, that’s interesting too. In 2005, cancer surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death in people younger than age 85.
Plenty of good news here, but plenty more to be done.