I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Weekend viewing: new films in the making
I’ve gotten announcements about two films in the making. Both are worth a look.
Gleason Ranch: Risking Everything. This is about
a family struggling to salvage their relationships and their 150 year-old, 5th-generation family ranch in Bodega, California. The project began four years ago with the intention of documenting the everyday difficulties of maintaining a family farm. Now, however, it has turned into a much larger, much more personal story of loss, life, pain, and resilience.
What Does 48 Million Hungry People Look Like?
This is a 78-second animated video aimed at getting people energized about ending hunger in America. It’s a follow-up to A Place at the Table and an introduction to the faces and stories of SNAP alumni. I’m guessing a longer version will follow soon. In the meantime, have a look.