I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Out today: the American edition of The Stop
Nick Saul and Andrea Curtis. The Stop: How the Fight for Good Food transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement. Melville House, 2013.
This book is now available in the U.S.
Husband and wife team Saul and Curtis wrote this chronicle of Saul’s 15-year stint as the director of The Stop, a place that started out as a soup kitchen but ended up as much more.
This is an important book. The Stop is no ordinary report on how soup kitchens convey substantial benefits to servers as well as the served.
As I said in my blurb for it:
An impassioned account of how to create food systems that foster independence and eliminate the indignities of charity. Saul and Curtis put a human face on poverty. If you want to know what today’s food movement is really about—and why it is anything but elitist—read this book.
I also used it in class last semester, where it stimulated much discussion and debate. It ought to be available at bookstores everywhere. Don’t miss this one.