I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Weekend viewing: A food politics story for kids—Mr. Zee’s Apple Factory
I’ve been waiting for the weekend to write about the kids’ story by Bettina Elias Siegel, the school food advocate who writes The Lunch Tray blog (and who put “pink slime” on the map).
Her video story—in rhyme yet—is titled Mr. Zee’s Apple Factory: A Tale of Processed Food and is worth the 12 minutes it takes to watch it (try it out on your kids!).
I wondered about the back story: how did she come to write it, who did the illustrations, how did she put it together? Fortunately, Dana Woldow, also a long time food advocate, has just posted an interview with Ms. Siegel on just those points (the interview starts about half way down the post). Ms. Siegel says:
If kids could see more clearly how the processed food, fast food and soda industries are earning profits at the expense of their health, I do think they might grow resistant to those industries’ marketing tactics. That was the idea behind Mr. Zee and his apples.
The interview explains the details of how the story got written, illustrated, and posted.
Ms. Woldow’s column concludes:
Of course, not everyone has the equipment, the confidence, or the patience to make their own video, but anyone can use social media. Watch Bettina’s video (with your children, if you have any), and if you like it, share it with your friends. It won’t undo all the marketing that Big Food does to kids, but it’s a start.
Try it out on your kids. What do they think of it?