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Keeping track of the farm bill: 194 amendments so far, just in the Senate
Congress is in recess this week so nothing new is happening on the farm bill.
I’m indebted to Jerry Hagstrom, who writes the Hagstrom Report and follows farm bill issues closely, for publishing a list of amendments filed to date on the Senate draft of the bill. Would you believe 194?
Of these, the Senate has managed to deal with a few.
The Senate passed:
- Cantwell amendment to allow Indian tribes to participate in certain soil and water conservation programs. (#919)
- Sessions amendment to clarify eligibility criteria for agricultural irrigation assistance. (#945, as modified) by unanimous consent.
- Franken amendment to provide access to grocery delivery for homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities eligible for supplemental nutrition assistance benefits. (#992) by unanimous consent.
- Vitter amendment to end food stamp eligibility for convicted violent rapists, pedophiles, and murderers. (#1056) by unanimous consent.
- Shaheen amendment to reform the federal sugar program, and for other purposes. (#925)
- Gillibrand amendment to strike a reduction in the supplemental nutrition assistance program, with an offset that limits crop insurance reimbursements to providers. (#931)
- Roberts amendment to improve and extend certain nutrition programs. (#948)
- Inhofe amendment to repeal the nutrition entitlement programs and establish a nutrition assistance block grant program. (#960)
- Sanders amendment to permit states to require that any food, beverage, or other edible product offered for sale have a label on indicating that the food, beverage, or other edible product contains a genetically engineered ingredient. (#965) by a vote of 71 to 27.
Attempts to eliminate cuts to SNAP failed (sigh) but so did an attempt to leave food stamps up to states (cheers). This means SNAP will have at least a $4 billion cut over 10 years—the best that can be hoped for at this point.
The Senate rejected GM labeling.
Reform the sugar program? Don’t be silly. At some point, I’ll have more to say about that one.
As for the next 190 or so…. And as for what the House will do….
It would be great drama if it weren’t so sad and so much weren’t at stake.