I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
New book: Lunch Money!
I just got my copy of Kate Adamick’s Lunch Money: Serving Healthy School Food in a Sick Economy (Cook for America, 2012).
I had seen it at an earlier stage and wrote a blurb for it:
Kate Adamick is my go-to guru for tough-minded practical advice about school food. This book is a must read for anyone who works with school food as well as parents who care what their kids eat in school.
Kate Adamick knows more about how the school food financial system works than anyone I know. She has figured out how to put the system to work so it produces healthy foods for kids.
Everyone I know who is involved with school food complains about lack of funds. Kate runs workshops with school food personnel to help them access available funds that can be used to buy kitchen equipment and better foods.
Her secret? Getting kids to eat breakfast and teaching cooks to cook.
Her book provides diagrams, charts, and worksheets to show how the system works and what to do to transform school food from something that feels like a problem into a program that makes cooks feel proud and kids happy to eat healthier food.
You don’t believe this? Take a look.