I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
The NY Times magazine food issue: Community!
The New York Times Magazine’s annual food issue has arrived, with a surprising and most welcome focus on the community aspects of today’s wonderful food movement. The cover says it all: “Eating together: How the food revolution–from farm to table–is really a story about seeding and savoring communities.” Yes!
Food editor Christine Muhlke sets the tone with “Growing together: How the food movement jumped the plate.”
Click anyplace on the cover and you go right to Michael Pollan’s piece on the communal table. I love the American Gothic photographs of food producers at Oakland’s Eat Real Festival. I don’t know any of them, but wish I did.
Community! That’s what the food movement is about.
As for next year, I’m hoping the Times will take up the politics of how we get there.