I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
FDA to reevaluate Bisphenol A (BPA)
The FDA now says it has concerns about BPA and intends to join other federal agencies in a review of the chemical’s safety. As readers of this blog may recall from previous posts, the FDA has a long-awaited report on BPA sitting in a drawer someplace. The report was due at the end of November. Now we can guess the reason for the delay. The report must have given BPA a pass even though studies seem to be coming in daily suggesting harm. BPA may not be immediately deadly, but it does not seem good for human health.
The most recent study, this one from England, looked at dietary intake data in the U.S. It concluded that BPA is a risk factor for heart disease. The industry, of course, disagrees. They think the British study isn’t scientific enough.
Faced with increasing evidence of harm, the FDA is doing the right thing to take this one on. The problem will be getting rid of BPA. We can all do our part by avoiding hard plastic bottles, but what about the linings of canned foods? The canning industry says it doesn’t have a safe substitute. Until they find one, you will have to add canned foods to the list of foods to avoid.