I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
You heard it here: the hot trend is cupuaçu (?)
What, you may well ask, is cupuaçu? I confess never having heard of it but thank heavens for Wikipedia, which explains in somewhat limited detail that it is a chocolate-like tree with a sweet fruit. Botanically, it is a Theobroma in the chocolate family.
Mintel, the market research firm, identifies it as the newest antioxidant-rich fruit craze. It says this fruit is not only rich in antioxidants, but also in vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids. Well, yes, but so are all fruits to a greater or lesser extent. But never mind. Anything this exotic has to be a marketers’ dream “superfruit,” no?
Can’t wait to taste it. If you know anything about this, do say, especially about how it might taste.
Mintel has six other predictions for upcoming hot trends: sweet potato, cardamom, rose water, hibiscus, and Latin spices. Yum. Aren’t you happy to be the first to know?