I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
The soft drink industry strikes back
Today’s New York Times carries this full-page ad taking on the New York City Health Department’s campaign against sodas.
Although the ad says it’s paid for by the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), it doesn’t take much to guess who paid that group for it. What better way to fight back than to hide behind this particular public relations agency, which specializes in defending purveyors of unhealthful products.
What CCF is about – and which companies pay for its work – are well known (for starters, see previous post).
I’m guessing the Health Department’s campaign must be having an effect if soft drink companies are so worried that they are willing to fund a group that is so consumer unfriendly.
Addendum: no wonder they are worried. According to a new report on soda taxation from Center for Science in the Public Interest, President Obama has said the idea is worth considering.
And thanks to Fred Tripp for giving me yet another CCF ad, this one from the September 30 A.M. New York. All of this must be making soda companies worried enough to sign on with CCF. Not a good idea.
Update October 2: I’ve just been send a link to Rachel Maddow’s comments on Rick Berman, the head of CCF. Look for “Meet Rick Berman.” It gives an overview of CCF accounts. I’m not sure when it aired.