I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
by Marion Nestle
Pet food settlement: indefinitely delayed
Two unnamed parties have filed appeals to the $24 million settlement of the Menu Food pet food recall claims for compensation for pet illnesses and deaths. These appeals will delay payments to pet owners who filed claims, perhaps, according to the judge, by months or even years. Details about who is filing the appeals and why are not available, but one source says they have to do with labeling and fairness issues. Woe.
And more woe. Mars continues to expand its recalls of pet foods made at its now closed Allentown, PA plant.
Update January 15: here’s one of the objecting lawyers. He thinks owners of pets affected by melamine-contaminated pet food deserve more than the $24 million settlement.