I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
More fuss over bisphenol A
The FDA’s lack of concern (see previous post) about the safety of bisphenol A has now come under criticism from a subcommittee of its own science advisory board. As described in USA Today, the board criticizes the FDA for relying too heavily on industry-funded studies and not holding the studies to rigorous scientific standards. Here’s the board’s report. An earlier story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal charged that the FDA used research – and a research summary – provided by the plastics industry as the basis of its original conclusion that bisphenol A posed no problems. It looks like this is turning out to be one of those unfortunate examples of industry interference with the risk assessment process. The science of food toxicology is difficult enough without this sort of thing happening. Alas.