by Marion Nestle

Posts dated: August2007

Aug 1 2007

Scientifically engineered “superfoods”

Eating Liberally is now interviewing me on a regular basis in a post called “Let’s Ask Marion.” Today’s question is about foods created by technologists to introduce some health benefit–what I like to call “techno-foods.” It is timely because today’s New York Times has a report by Andrew Martin of his visit to the recent convention of the Institute of Food Technology. Are these foods really designed to make you healthy? Or are they about the financial health of their makers?

Aug 1 2007


At the top of the right-hand side of this site is a link to FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). I’m still trying to figure out the technical tricks for doing these, but for now I’ve posted 7 comments on things that people ask me all the time: (1) how to study nutrition, (2) what is food studies, (3) food advocacy, (4) trans fats and obesity, (5) organics, (6) locally grown, and (7) soy and health. Click on FAQs and there they will be. Enjoy!
