I wish I could do this one in Spanish, but it will be in English. The preliminary program for the meeting is here. Register for it here.
Dietary Guidelines: Why we need them
In an article about fast food marketing, the Los Angeles Times explains as clearly as could be why Dietary Guidelines matter so much. The article is titled “Eat less, U.S. says as fast-food chains super-size their offerings.”
Why would fast food chains want to offer hot dogs, hamburgers, and burritos ranging from 800 t0 1,600 calories each? How’s this for a candid answer:
The bottom line is we’re in the business of making money, and we make money off of what we sell,” said Beth Mansfield, spokeswoman for CKE Restaurants Inc., which owns the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s chains. “If we wanted to listen to the food police and sell nuts and berries and tofu burgers, we wouldn’t make any money and we’d be out of business.
You want to help people stay healthy? That makes you food police.
If you care about public health, you can expect to be called names. But that shouldn’t stop you from trying to create a healthier food system.
And thanks to Sheila Viswanathan of the GoodGuide for sending the article.